Sub Committees


Creative Crafts

This is a talented and lively team who organise events for WI members who enjoy learning new crafts or trying out tasty recipes in a social setting.
They also arrange occasional trips to craft and food fairs in the UK.


 Arts, Heritage & Leisure

This team is responsible for organising all kind of lifestyle, fun and cultural activities.

These can include Manx art, literature appreciation, garden tours, quizzes and bingo nights


 Membership support and Training

The Committee supports members in the running of their own WI.

They help to promote the WI at local events whilst recruiting new members and hopefully setting up new WIs where there is a need.

This committee run workshops to give help and advice to members enabling them to run their WI effectively.

This committee also officiate at the Annual and Board of Trustee elections


 Public Affairs & Science

This team supports members interested in campaigning and d keep members informed in respect of National and International issues and concerns.



IOMFWI Show Committee

This is a mixture of hard work and fun. The team organise the opportunity to showcase your WI at the two Agricultural Shows, one in Castletown and the other at Knockaloe each year.

They choose a theme and competitions for your WI and individual members liaising with judges, show committees and WI members.